Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm off to cuba tomorrow and will be updating this blog with writings and photos when I can. Stay tuned.

Monday, July 6, 2009

In defense of Cuba

I'm about to embark on another journey to the Third World, this time Cuba, to learn more about the people and their culture.

Over the years I've heard many negative reports on the country but I never quite believed them due to the source of this information - American mainsteam media.

So after a few chance meetings with some Cuban defenders I decided to do some of my own research and investigation into the case and this is some of the information I've discovered despite the American propaganda and deliberate disinformation that floods the media avenues:

Cuba's Literacy rate is 99.8% (the highest in the world)

Unemployment rate: 1.9%.

One in every eleven citizens is a Doctor (Highest average in the world).

Post Secondary education is free for all.

Over 27,000 youths from 3rd world countries are currently studying in Cuban Universities for free.

Between 1963 and 2005 more than 100,000 Cuban doctors and health care workers worked in 97 countries for free.

It is the only country in the world to continually offers free education, humanitarian aid and health care to third world countries for free. Not even first world countries do this.

In 2006 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced in the Living Planet Report that Cuba is the only country in the world which meets the criteria for sustainable development, based on it's ecological footprint and UN Human Development Index.

What I've gathered from this study is that Uncle Sam tries to demonize Cuba because it's system of social development, humanitarianism and exceedingly high education standards demonstrates a successful model of where the future of mankind should be heading and is a slap in the face of gluttonous and decadent capitalism that values profits over humanity.

If you want the truth about Cuba do your own research and don't trust a word that comes from main stream American media. Better yet, make the trip there for yourself and decide for yourself.

I leave for Cuba in 3 weeks and promise to return with many photographs and information to share.