Saturday, March 22, 2008

Street Photography of Kampala

Kampala Uganda is a bustling, vibrant and smoggy mix of chaos. With a population of more that 1,500,000 the capital city is congested and sweltering, but amidst all this, there is a wash of beauty and color that is astonishing to behold.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

DJing for Kci and JoJo of Jodeci

Just got offered to DJ for the Kci and JoJo (Jodeci) show happening this weekend. For those of you who know who these guys are then I need not say more.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blessed by Umoja

Well I knew I was off to a good start when I walked into the vancity airport and saw the entire Umoja crew in the checkin line for the same flight as me.

I spent the eight hours on the plane to London chatting with various members, then parted waysat Heathrow as they headed to Jo-burg and I to Kampala.

Now going on my 2nd week in this sunny and bustling city I can't believe it's taken me so long to return. Last saturday I was able to spin a reggae/dancehall set to a packed downtown nightclub ("Rouge") and from that was offered a month residency... a sure sign I'm in the right spot :-)

I will be posting photos soon so hang tight.

love and smocches from the land of the Sun.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Arriving In Kampala Uganda

I head back to East Africa today. This time my trip to Uganda and Tanzania is more focused on Photography and Music (DJ-ing). I will be posting some of my photos as they become available but because I'm shooting more film this time around, I won't be able to display those online as easily as the digital ones.

Follow your love. Always.