Thursday, May 28, 2009

Recent Vancouver Street Photography

I've just recently started getting into Street Photography. At first I was a bit apprehensive to start photographing random strangers out in the street, especially the jaded and skeptical Vancouverite.

However I decided to brave it and take my camera out for a day of stealthy shooting. My first tentative attempts at capturing unsuspecting folk going about their daily business went unchallenged and hence my courage grew.

I kept on shooting and every now and again I would get the odd glare, but overall most people either didn't notice or didn't care. But for the few people that did care and gave me the evil eye, I discovered something that I didn't know before.

The secret to effective and productive street photography is not to care. The photographer must realize that he/she has a job to do, a duty to their art, a determination that no matter what one must create.

1 comment:

Mati. said...

Sacas hermosas fotos.

You take beautiful photos.